Drum Fest 2025


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Sponsored in part by

Z-Networks, Z98, Gilchrist Z-Networks, Z98, Gilchrist

Drum Fest

Loud and Proud!

Drum Fest is an all ages and skill levels non-profit charitable organization dedicated to bringing all things drumming to those less fortunate as well as to the community as a whole. Drum Fest Sux Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, so all of your donations can be deducted from your taxes!

Drum Fest was born out of a wild idea in 2012 by drummers Eric Meek and Matt VM while hanging out at the famous Chesterfield open jam. The initial idea was to hold a local drumming competition among drummers. Where they could battle it out for prizes and bragging rights. Eric and Matt set out to create more than just a boring drum solo competition however. They sat down and came up with multiple drumming events that would encompass all facets of drumming and percussion studies. Drummers from the local community as well as surrounding areas came out to compete in more than expected numbers. Needless to say, Drum Fest was a success from day one.

After the dust had cleared from Drum Fest's first major event, they put into motion the concept of becoming a yearly non-profit organization that would promote drumming and produce events throughout the year in addition to their already successful yearly Drum Fest event. Since that time Drum Fest has became an official non-profit organization and has produced multiple Drum Fest events in the area. Drum Fest has also made some very strong partnerships in the community that continue to help Drum Fest grow and succeed at it's mission.

To be a part of Drum Fest, join us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ . Send us a message and let the drumming begin!

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Drum Fest Events

Main Events

Copy Cat

Players are divided into brackets based on skill level. A coin toss will determine which player begins. The first player will perform a beat for no more than 2 bars of time or 5 sec. in length of any genre, style or time signature. The second player must then match that beat. Taking turns with this process until the first player receives 3 strikes. Each player has the option of calling out one challenge per round. A challenge is used when a player feels that the other drummer can not repeat his or her drum lick. If the player being challenged can NOT duplicate it, that person receives a strike. The winning player will move onto the next round. Players are also judged on their performance.

Kit Solo

Player will perform a solo of their choosing based on an original arrangement or one written by someone else. The solo must be at least 2 minutes long but no longer than 4 minutes* in time. The player will be judged on technique, originality, style, and overall performance.
* An exception on the time limit may be made for your solo if it is not written by you and is pre­approved by the judges.

Z-Networks' Drum Cover

Player will perform to a music cover of their choice. The cover can be of any genre and can be an instrumental with or without drums already. Cover must be no longer than 4 mins. Player will be judged on accuracy and ability to reproduce the original drum part on their cover as well as their overall performance.
* Your drum cover selection must be given to Drum Fest officials at least one week prior to the event. No duplicate drum covers will be allowed.

Snare Solo

Player will perform a solo of their choosing based on an original arrangement or one written by someone else. The solo must be at least 2 minutes long but no longer than 5 minutes* in time. The player will be judged on technique, originality, style, and overall performance.
* An exception on the time limit may be made for your solo if it is not written by you and is pre­approved by the judges.

Fast Hands

Player will perform a single stroke roll rudiment as fast as they can for a sustained period of 60 seconds. A beat counter will be used to determine the players BPM. No multi­bounce strokes are allowed. You will be judged on speed only. Preliminaries will be held on the second stage. The top 10 will move on to the finals on the main stage.

Axis Percussion's Fast Feet

Player will perform a single and double foot beat in any order as fast as they can for a sustained period of 60 seconds each. A beat counter will be used to determine the players BPM. No multi­bounce strokes are allowed. You will be judged on speed only. The combined speed of your single and double will determine your final score. Preliminaries will be held on the second stage. The top 10 will move on to the finals on the main stage.

Extra Events

Drum Machine

Player will be given a tempo of 100BPM for a period of 15 sec. After which time the tempo will be removed and the player asked to play a groove in 4/4 time of any genre they are comfortable with for 25 measures (bars). The player will be timed once the first beat is played and stopped on the last beat. The player will be judged based on how close they are to the correct time upon finishing the groove. Tie breaker points may be used based on originality and style.


Player is asked to play a groove. NOT a drum solo. The groove can be of any genre, style, and tempo. The groove must be 2 – 3 min. in time. Remember, tastiness is key in this event. Players are judged on originality, style, and overall performance.

Rudiments on Snare

Player will be asked to play a randomly selected rudiment, based on skill level, on the snare. The rudiment must be started slow and sped up to their top comfortable speed and then back down to the starting speed. Player is allowed one pass to draw another rudiment. If player does not attempt any rudiment no score is given. Player is judged on technique, accuracy, and overall performance. Tie breaker points may be used for speed in this event.

Play that Beat

Player will be asked to draw a song from a “hat”. The songs will contain very common drum intros or beats. Player is allowed one pass to draw another song. If player does not attempt any song no score is given. Player is judged on accuracy, style, and overall performance.

Stick Tricks on Snare

Player will play a groove for two measures then continue to play the groove while doing the most stick tricks. Player will perform for 2 min. Judged on originality, style, and overall performance.

Hand Percussion

Player will play any rhythm or beats with any of the available hand percussion items. Player will perform for 2 to 4 min. Judged on originality, style, and overall performance.

Overall events


Drum pentathlon
Player who has competed in 5 or more events. Judges will tally up the top 5 event scores for the player to determine a final score. This is the GRAND PRIZE and determines the overall winner. The GRAND PRIZE can only be won in this manner.

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Drum Fest Calendar

upcoming drum fest events